Easy Summer Fun
- Yardwork and Coke.
- Church.
- Everybody went swimming—even me. So cold.
- The kids washed the cars.
- Night swimming with tiki torches (I skipped that round).
- Jameson made brownies. We are eating way too much sugar around here, but it’s a holiday weekend!
- We decorated the house with patriotic bunting and the American flag for Memorial Day. It’ll stay up through the Fourth of July.
- Family Game Night: Simpsons Uno
For years now, we’ve stuck to a weekend schedule:
Friday is Cheeseburger Night.
Saturday is Movie Night.
Sunday is Family Game Night.
Kids love love love schedules! Order makes them feel cozy and not crazy. Order is often hard for homeschool moms to pull off, because by and large we like to go with the flow. Kids really do thrive on knowing what comes next in their day though, so I try.
[Tweet “Order makes kids feel cozy and not crazy. #family”]
Jameson decided we should have more “named days” so she created an alliterative food schedule, but when it’s 102 degrees out, Meatball Monday doesn’t sound amazing; we’re flexible on the Meatball Monday, Taco Tuesday, Waffle Wednesday routine.
Not so with the weekend activity schedule! If ever I dare suggest a game of Canasta on a Saturday, I’m firmly told that Sunday is Game Night, Mom.
You might think you understand what we do on Saturday Movie Night, but I bet you guessed wrong: Saturday Movie Night is code for Sugar Saturday, the one day a week I let everyone eat as much candy as they want as long as they don’t get sick. OK, yes, we also watch a movie. At home. Because I’m cheap like that. Going to the movies is generally reserved for films with Star Wars in the title, or this summer, Cars 3.
Friday Cheeseburger Night doesn’t have a nice ring to it, but it’s an institution. Did you know it’s cheaper to make burgers with grassfed beef and organic buns, condiments, and fixings than it is to buy cheeseburgers at McDonald’s? I actually did the math, but that’s a story for another day. Friday Cheeseburger Night is cooked up at home, grilled by Jefferson or fried in a cast iron skillet by yours truly.
Family Game Night is free and fun for everyone in the family, even teenagers. Don’t let it go. Also, I feel like I have to advise that nobody should be touching their phones or any other device including having the TV on in the background while you’re playing. Please tell me you know that.
$20 Summer Fun Budget
Two days in, zero dollars spent!
Get your summer together with these posts:
The Summer Vacation Chore Plan: Get More Done and Have More Fun!
Vitamin C Popsicles Recipe: Kiwi-Strawberry Lemonade Popsicles to Heal a Summer Cold!
How To Limit Kids’ Screen Time During Summer Vacation Out Of The Gate
The One Phrase 100% Guaranteed To Cure Boredom In Any Child Instantly And For All Time (this one’s my favorite!)
Printable summer 2017 calendar to keep track of your summer adventures!
Follow me on Instagram for 104 days of summer vacation fun! (And Disneyland!)