I’m excited to have Hannah Rinaldi of Eat, Drink, and Save Money on All Day Mom today with a fantastic breakdown of the Disney Dining Plans! Disney vacation planning can be overwhelming! Hannah has you covered: she compares the features of each Disney Dining Plan so you can choose the Disney Dining Plan that fits […]
When Should Kids Wash Their Hands? 10 Handwashing Tips for Kids in the Kitchen!
Updated 4/13/20 It’s no secret I’m a germophobe. That doesn’t mean I bathe my kids in sanitizer, it means I have a healthy respect for germs and I know which ones are important to keep out of my kids’ mouths! I’m hyper-vigilant about handwashing because I worked in restaurants with strict food handling and food […]
How to Rent Free Amazon Prime Movies (Even If They Cost $5.99!)
My love for Amazon is second only to my love for Google. I realized the depth of my Amazon devotion—and dependency!—a few weeks ago when I had to rush around town and shop in brick and mortar stores to find specific items for our Mickey’s Halloween Party costumes that I couldn’t find on Amazon Prime. […]
How to Teach Vocabulary with Great Books! The Hardy Boys 1: The Tower Treasure
Do you want your kids to have a rich, expressive vocabulary? Sure you do! There’s really only one way to ensure your kids can easily pluck le mot juste from their magnificent brains at will: read Great Books to them! Take a good, hard look at your kids’ book lists from school: do you see […]
Walt Disney World on a Budget: Insider Tips from a Former Cast Member!
I’m thrilled to have Cristina from The Littlest Fowler guest post on All Day Mom today with her insider tips on saving money at Walt Disney World! (She’s both a former Cast Member and a money-saving, Disney-loving mom!) Cristina is here to help put your WDW budget picture in perspective and show you how to save time and […]
We’re Killing Cultural Literacy for Kids! The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde – Robert Louis Stevenson
Cultural Literacy is collective consciousness—the common body of knowledge shared within a culture. For me, that culture is the good old U.S. of A.! Cultural Literacy is our shared experience. If you grew up in America in the 80s like I did, you can reasonably assume that everyone around your age you meet today made a trail […]
Why You Should Read the Bible to Your Kids (Even if You’re Not a Christian)
Subscribe to my #Write31Days project to keep up with this month’s posts and get a free review copy of my Kindle book (Nov 2015), 31 Days of Great Books to Read to Your BIG Kids! Each post in this series has two parts: the Great Book, and tips on how to read that Great Book to your kids! These aren’t […]
More Energy for Mom: 5 Natural Diet Supplements I Take Every Day
More energy for moms! Doesn’t that sound great? If you’re a mom, you need energy to power you through your busy days. A healthy diet will definitely help keep your energy level consistent, but because of crappy farming practices on Big Food farms, foods that were once high in vitamins and minerals are now perfectly shaped and […]
How to Fit Bone Broth in Your Freezer! How to Freeze Bone Broth/Chicken Broth
I love bone broth! It’s one of the most healing foods you can eat! But how do you fit bone broth in the freezer? If you know all about bone broth and you just want to learn how to save freezer space, scroll down. If you’re a bone broth newbie, start here. The best part about […]
Organic Easy Enchiladas Recipe and Homemade Organic Enchilada Sauce Recipe
I love enchiladas! But, I never order enchiladas at Mexican restaurants, because most restaurants that serve authentic Mexican food use the cheapest of the cheap ingredients. Whenever I do order enchiladas at a restaurant, I try to forget I’m eating GMO corn tortillas and factory farm meat pumped full of hormones and antibiotics…let’s just say the […]