Ice cream for breakfast? Yes! Jameson has been eating this Paleo Chocolate Banana Ice Cream for a week straight—for breakfast. It’s so simple it hardly needs a recipe, just 2 ingredients and 30 seconds. Cost per serving with organic bananas is just 38 cents!” Paleo Chocolate Banana Ice Cream Ingredients (per serving): 1 banana, frozen […]
What’s Your Grocery Budget? Grocery Budget Tracking #1 Jan 1–15 2018
This is the first post of my Grocery Budget Tracking in 2018! Can you feed your family a Clean Eating diet and still come in under your grocery budget? I’m about to find out! This is the real grocery budget of our family, who eats 15 pounds a week of pastured meat…and sometimes Poptarts. Why […]
Keto Results: Why I Quit Keto After 6 Days (even though it was working) Part 1
The Keto Diet: Nobody should have to pay this much attention to food. That should be the official tagline for Keto! I’ve done multiple rounds of Whole30, no problem. I’ve done Paleo with my kids and husband for 30 days, no problem. I’ve quit sugar, wheat, you name it on a whim for x days […]
Keto Turkey Snack Recipe: How to Use Up Every Bit of Your Holiday Turkey – No Kitchen Waste!
Since I spent $4 per pound on a magical, pastured turkey for Thanksgiving, I need to get the most out of it! I basically followed SOP for picking a chicken, although this 23-pounder looked more like a Thestral once I was done with it. I figured out a way to use the turkey skin, which […]
Homemade Chili Powder Recipe: Clean Eating on a Budget
Homemade chili powder is easy to toss together. Cheap chili powders often include modified food starch, sugars, and MSG, and non-organic chili powder is usually irradiated. That’s bad. Make chili powder with no fillers or scary stuff with this simple recipe. You probably already have everything you need to make homemade chili powder in your […]
Bought Milk? AZ and CA moms, is a legitimate site!
Is a scam? I assume everything on the internet is either an advertisement or a scam. In fact, I refused to click through a link my mortgage lender sent me via email because the wording was so ridiculously spammy that even my 12-yr-old told me not to click it: Please note that it is […]
Whole30 Side Dish: Whole30, Gluten Free, Dairy Free Scalloped Potatoes
This Whole30 scalloped potatoes recipe makes a simple and satisfying side dish when you’re following a Paleo*, Whole30, or gluten free diet, and you need to eat a side dish that is not green at least once a week to feel human. [Tweet “When you need to eat a side dish that is not green […]
10 Minute Dinner Hacks with Gobble Meal Prep Subscription Box
All Day Mom welcomes our sponsor Gobble to promote healthy dinner hacks for busy families! Make meals in 10 minutes with fresh ingredients delivered to your door! Take $50 off your first Gobble Box order here! Busy families need all the help they can get! We protect our family dinner time because we know this […]
Would You Pay 81 Cents to Avoid the Dirty Dozen? Going Organic at Winco
If I hear that healthy food is more expensive than junk food one more time, I’ll scream! Here’s how I go organic at Winco, where I spent a whopping 61 cents more to buy the two items on my shopping list that are on the Dirty Dozen 2016 produce list. (I offset that dramatic 61-cent increase by choosing organic […]
Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Brittle Recipe
When life gives you flat cookies, make cookie brittle! This gluten free chocolate chip cookie brittle is a great way to save a failed gluten free baking attempt! I tried to make gluten free chocolate chip cookies by substituting a gluten free baking mix 1:1 in place of wheat flour. Big mistake—the cookies were totally flat! I […]