Our family spends more than a month each year at Disneyland, and about the same amount of time on roadtrips all over California and Arizona. Thanks to (mostly) clean eating and (almost) perfect handwashing at home, our bodies can withstand a few days of nonstop churros, nachos, and Cokes. But, when you visit The Germiest […]
Be Prepared: The No Mom, No Bag Line at Disneyland
The no bag line at Disneyland, awkwardly phrased on the sign outside the security checkpoint as “Guest Without Bag” may finally be here to stay. Disneyland Resort guests have complained for years that they have to stand in line for whole minutes at a time behind pack mules…er, moms…to get through the security checkpoint that […]
Wyndham Garden Anaheim Review: Disneyland Hotel within Walking Distance?
This Wyndham Garden Anaheim review is a little different from my other pic-heavy Disneyland hotel reviews because the main point I want to make here is that you should always stay at a hotel within walking distance to Disneyland! Updated May 2018: The Wyndham Garden Anaheim hotel at 515 W Katella Ave in Anaheim was […]
Adding Up Credit Card Points – Vacation Fund UP by $934.60! Found Money #4
My favorite hobby is collecting Found Money—that’s money I can access outside my regular income. Anything from coupons to credit card points to cash I earn selling my clutter counts as Found Money.” For this week’s Found Money roundup, I added up the points for all of our credit cards. We finance a huge amount […]
Budget Tips for Family Trips: Family Travel on a Budget in the USA!
How Budget Tips for Family Trips got started! I grew up in what has been called the “bowels of Southern California”—that’s the Inland Empire. True, the I.E. isn’t exactly the O.C., but it does have Big Bear and Palm Springs, and if you live near Riverside, you’re kind of close to the beach. I didn’t […]
2 Free Kindle Books! L.A. in a Day: Hollywood and Follow Me: How I Quit Social Media!
Get 2 Free Kindle Books! There’s a new Budget Tips for Family Trips book available on Amazon! Get the free Kindle books Sunday and Monday, 11/19 & 11/20: All Day Mom provides affiliate links to Amazon products; your price doesn’t change! 2 Free Kindle Books 11/19 & 11/20! L.A. in a Day: Hollywood! How […]
Get an Extra $20 off Your Disneyland Vacation! Get Away Today Promo Code
Where can you get discount Disneyland tickets? There are only a few legitimate sites that sell real Disneyland tickets that will actually work at the Park. Can you imagine how awful it would be to be turned away at the Disneyland gate because you bought fake tickets? [This post contains affiliate links.] Our family travel […]
Free Book! Disneyland on a Budget: How Our Family Spends 30 Days a Year at Disneyland Without Breaking the Bank!
Want to find out how our family can afford to spend a month each year at The Happiest Place On Earth? Read Disneyland on a Budget free 10/20/17 through 10/23/17! Our family just started our 11th year of Disneyland Annual Passes, so I’m inviting you to celebrate with us! Get the free book! Disneyland on […]
Things to Do before Mickey’s Halloween Party Starts: 10 Disneyland Tips for Mickey’s Halloween Party
Your tickets to Mickey’s Halloween Party at Disneyland get you inside the gates at Disney California Adventure at 3 p.m. or 4 p.m. (depends on party date) but why not make a full day out of it? Here are things to do before Mickey’s Halloween Party starts. Most of these ideas are FREE, since you […]
Comfy shoes for Disneyland! 10 Disneyland Tips for Mickey’s Halloween Party!
I’ve got two more pre-trip planning tips for Mickey’s Halloween Party at Disneyland, and then I’ll jump into tips that will help you during the Party in the next few posts. Today’s Disneyland tip is how to pick comfortable shoes for Disneyland! 10 Disneyland Tips for Mickey’s Halloween Party series (view all): Go to Tip […]