This frugal tips blog was updated 3/2/2020 and includes affilate links. I do not participate in sponsored posts so you can count on honest info here at All Day Mom.
This is how we meet the minimum spending requirement on new credit cards to get the bonus offers, without overspending on our budget.
Our family’s budget is both tight and optimized—in other words, we’re not rich, and we regularly check all of our budget categories to see if we can lower any bills. Plus, I’m zealously frugal, so we don’t spend a whole lot each month on credit cards.
So how do you reach a $1000 or $2000 minimum spend within 3 months if you’re super frugal? The answer is Gift cards.
No matter how frugal you are, you need groceries, gas, and household supplies. Every grocery store carries gift cards.
While we don’t typically buy restaurant or clothing store gift cards because we’re not into shopping and don’t go out much (except to Disneyland!), there are tons of gift cards we do use for our everyday spending.
Gift cards can help you meet the minimum spend on a new credit card to trigger the bonus!
In this post I’m using my Amex Blue Cash Preferred card as an example of how to save even more than the money saving tips I list here—because it offers 6% cash back at grocery stores, up to $360 cash back a year in that category. The minimum spend on that card is $1000 in 3 months, which is really easy to reach if you buy gift cards at any grocery store to pay for things you would buy anyway. You can see all of my credit card referral links in one spot on my Google Doc here.”
Target gift cards
- Target’s prices almost always beat Walmart’s prices because Target runs sales. Most grocery stores don’t sell Walmart gift cards because Walmart is a grocery store competitor, but grocery stores do sell Target gift cards!
- Maximize your savings by spending the gift cards during Target sales along with Target/manufacturer coupons. You can even earn extra gift cards when Target runs “gift card with purchase” deals.
- I save more money by shopping Target online (starting at Ebates for a little extra cash back) and picking up in store or choosing free shipping. How does that save more money? I’m not tempted by the 75% off endcaps if I don’t shop in the store!

Gas station gift cards
My grocery store sells Shell and Arco gift cards. We use Shell (Circle K) in Arizona and Arco (AMPM) on our trips to California.
$100 Visa/Mastercard gift cards
- Only buy these if your grocery store is running a no-fee deal because the fee is $6!
- Exception: Only if you have the Amex Blue Cash Preferred card—When Fry’s (Kroger) is running a 4x Fuel Points deal, I basically break even on Fuel Points (I earn $6.80 worth of Fuel Points on a $100 Visa with a $6 fee) but I still earn $6 on a $100 Visa gift card with the 6% AmEx cash back. [My car only holds 17 gallons. If you have a bigger tank, you’ll earn more.]
- Use the Visa/Mastercard gift cards to effectively get 6% off at Walmart if you are a Walmart grocery shopper!
- That is a better deal than Walmart’s 5% cash back on its own credit card.
- Credit cards don’t count Target or Walmart as grocery stores, so this is a great work-around.
Gift Cards for Gifts! (Kohl’s, Macy’s, etc.)
- To get the most value out of gift cards you buy for gifts, DON’T give the gift card as the gift! Use your frugal know-how and purchase a thoughtful gift with the gift card using all the discounts you can find.
- Remember to start at Ebates; you’ll get cash back twice: AmEx cash back for buying the gift card, and Ebates cash back for using the gift card. (Get a $10 bonus when you make your first $25 purchase through Ebates with my link here.)
Home Depot/Lowe’s gift cards
- Whether you rent or own your home, there are always things to buy for the house. Even on a super frugal budget, you have to keep everything in working order—AKA preventive maintenance!
- Home Depot and Lowe’s have reasonable prices and both stores offer easy returns. Order online via Ebates (Lowe’s offers at least 1% cash back but Home Depot does not) and pick up in-store or get free delivery so you don’t have to helplessly wander the aisles.
- I buy Home Depot and Lowe’s coupons on eBay and save even more. (Remember to get cash back on eBay with Ebates.)
- To avoid over-buying Home Depot/Lowe’s gift cards, I put everything I need in my cart so I know the total (including sales tax and less the coupon discount), then stop by the grocery store to buy a gift card in that amount.
Netflix gift cards
Most frugal folks have ditched cable and satellite contracts, and a lot of us substitute cheaper subscription services like Netflix. Buy a Netflix gift card and apply it to your account, effectively paying your Netflix bill ahead a few months.
eBay gift cards
- If you can buy it new, you can probably buy it used for a crazy good discount on eBay. Even if you’re trying not to buy anything as you dig yourself out of debt, kids grow—regardless of your debt free plans. Look for “new without tags” jeans and shoes on eBay (with Buy It Now if you don’t like the drama of the auction), then buy an eBay gift card in that amount.
- eBay tip: Check the button “US ONLY” on Item Location when you’re shopping for clothes on eBay. You won’t have to sort through dozens of pages of cheapo spandex dresses from Asia to find your bargain from a US based seller.
Fandango gift cards
Debt or no debt, most people are going to watch a couple big movies a year at the movie theater. If you’re an AMC Stubs member (basic membership is free), you can order online via Fandango or AMC with no fees. Movie tickets are cheap in Arizona (compared to California!) and our family can see a weekend matinée for $21.
- Since we only see Star Wars and Disney movies on the big screen, we are able to find free movie deals with cereals, yogurt, etc. pretty consistently so we don’t buy Fandango gift cards. Check the offer details—some work for any movie ticket, not just the Disney tie-in movie.
Disney gift cards!
Yes, Disney fits in with a debt free lifestyle! Read all about how we spend 30 days a year at Disneyland without breaking the bank in my book Disneyland on a Budget (read it free on Amazon with the Prime lending library or Kindle Unlimited!)
Amazon gift cards
- I regularly compare Amazon prices with Walmart and Target, and Amazon almost always wins. Plus, I save on gas not shopping and extra items don’t “accidentally” fall into my cart!
- I always start at Ebates even when the things I plan to buy don’t fit a cash back category— I occasionally get cash back on items that aren’t in a cash back category when an Amazon seller lists items in the wrong category or multiple categories.
- Get Amazon Prime free for 30 days with my link!
Read more about the Disney Visa $200 cash back bonus for the No Annual Fee card here (regular bonus is only $100!)
Read more about the Amex Blue Cash Preferred $250 cash back bonus here (regular bonus is only $150!)
How to take a 2 day, 2 night Disneyland vacation for less than $300 for a family of 4!
Make at least $636 with just 2 credit card bonus offers and get out of debt!
We think of credit card bonuses as Found Money! Read the Found Money series here.
You can see all of my credit card referral links in one spot on my Google Doc here.”