More energy for moms! Doesn’t that sound great? If you’re a mom, you need energy to power you through your busy days.
A healthy diet will definitely help keep your energy level consistent, but because of crappy farming practices on Big Food farms, foods that were once high in vitamins and minerals are now perfectly shaped and perfectly colored—but nutritionally speaking they ain’t what they used to be!
These are 5 natural supplements I use every single day. These supplements are not “insurance” to cover a bad diet. There’s a misleading slogan for a supplement company: “Bridge the gap”. There is no such bridge. You can’t take enough vitamins to overcome poor nutrition.
[Tweet “There aren’t enough vitamins in the world to overcome a crappy diet. #health #momlife #energy”]
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Just so you know, I’m not giving you medical advice here! Use common sense, and if it hurts, don’t do it.
More Energy for Mom: Magnesium
- Here’s a list of 10 foods rich in magnesium (you can’t have energy without it!); make sure you buy the organic versions of these foods if you want to increase your magnesium intake in your diet.
Would you pay 24 cents a day for energy? I do! Imagine how much you spend on junk that brings your energy down, from junk food to Starbucks (also junk food), to your data plan. 24 cents a day goes a long way toward unknotting the stress that bad food and blue screens put on your body!
[Tweet “24 cents a day is a small price to pay for energy! (That’s natural energy, not MLM hype!) #health #momlife”]
- I’ve been taking magnesium for over seven years to make sure my energy level stays consistently high. Whenever I try a cheaper brand of magnesium, I feel my energy drop within days.
- I used to swear by a different brand of magnesium, but after I read this lab report on the best magnesium brands, I switched to Doctor’s Best magnesium glycinate/lysinate chelate because it has an A rating.
- If you have magnesium oxide or a calcium/magnesium blend in your cabinet, that’s not going to help your energy levels at all. Get the good stuff!
- The Weston A. Price Foundation (Weston A. Price is the original holistic dentist!) has info on magnesium deficiency here.
- The Magnesium Miracle is a quick read if you want to learn more:
More Energy for Mom: Natural Vitamin C
We eat a lot of foods that are high in Vitamin C, but I feel the difference in my energy level on mornings I do take a Vitamin C supplement vs. those mornings I skip it.
Here are the top 10 foods high in Vitamin C, ranked by Vitamin C content. Surprise! Oranges are #7.
Top 20 Foods High in Vitamin C per 100 grams (about 3.5 oz)
- Guava 228 mg Vitamin C
- Sweet Yellow Peppers 183 mg Vitamin C
- Sweet Red Peppers 128 mg Vitamin C
- Kale 120 mg Vitamin C
- Kiwi 93 mg Vitamin C
- Broccoli 89 mg Vitamin C
- Green Bell Peppers 80 mg Vitamin C
- Brussels Sprouts 85 mg Vitamin C
- Papayas 61 mg Vitamin C (Make sure to buy organic papaya as it can be GMO!)
- Strawberries 59 mg Vitamin C
- Oranges 53 mg Vitamin C [FYI, Clementines (like Cuties) only have 49 mg Vitamin C]
- Pineapple 48 mg Vitamin C
- Califlower 48 mg Vitamin C
- Peas 40 mg Vitamin C
- Cantaloupe 37 mg Vitamin C
- Grapefruit 31 mg Vitamin C
- Spinach (raw) 28 mg Vitamin C
- Raspberries 26 mg Vitamin C
- Mustard Greens (cooked) 25 mg Vitamin C
- Tomatoes (cooked) 23 mg Vitamin C (vs. 14 mg Vitamin C in the same amount of raw tomatoes)
- Ascorbic acid is bad for you, and usually made with GMOs! I drink this all natural Vitamin C powder mixed with water first thing in the morning for an energy boost.
- I just take one 1/4 tsp dose each day, but if I feel a cold coming on, or any time I’ll be somewhere super germy (like a classroom or Disneyland!) I take a full teaspoon several times a day until I’m sure I won’t come down with anything.
More Energy for Mom: Probiotics
- The main gut healing food in our diet is a daily dose of bone broth. I put bone broth in almost every savory dish I make, plus we drink it!
- Drinking kefir along with supplemental magnesium was shown to increase the effectiveness of magnesium here. Adding kefir and other fermented foods to our family’s diet is high on my To Do list!
- How to fit bone broth in your freezer!
- A healthy gut means a healthy body, and a healthy body has energy! I take this probiotic every day, as do my kids and my husband. We also keep these chewable wafers on hand (soy free and dye free!); they soothe an upset stomach fast. Like Tums, but healthy.
- We take the chewable wafers in the car everywhere we go! (I keep them in the ice chest when it’s hot outside.) In more than 4 years taking these chewable probiotics, nobody has gotten carsick or sick from too much junk food on our travels! (Knock on wood!) They calm queasiness and upset stomach almost instantly—and they keep everyone regular on trips, which makes life easier for me too!
More Energy for Mom: Castor Oil
- I do NOT drink castor oil! I do probably ingest a little each day when I rub it on my face and use my mom’s magic salve as lip balm, but no, I do not drink it.
- I use castor oil every day as an overnight hair conditioner, as a balm on my face after I shower, and to help grow and thicken my eyelashes and eyebrows. Wellness Mama has great info on her site about using castor oil to thicken your hair naturally.
- I also use castor oil packs (soak a flannel cloth with castor oil and leave it against your stomach overnight) to relieve bloating and help with digestion. That’s why castor oil helps with energy: if you’re bogged down by bloating, you can’t feel very energetic!
More Energy for Mom: Fish Oil
- The foods highest in Omega 3s are flax seed, salmon, and chia seeds. We only eat wild Sockeye salmon because my husband was raised in Alaska and that’s the gold standard. Wild salmon only costs a dollar or two more than nasty farmed salmon. Skip a packaged snack at the grocery store and there’s “found money” to upgrade to wild salmon!
- This fish oil has NO soy, gluten, milk, egg, corn, wheat, or peanuts—it’s not easy to find a fish oil made without soy! Each capsule is more concentrated than most fish oils, so don’t let the price scare you off. You can take half a dose and still get more of the good stuff than you’d get from the bargain fish oil brands—that makes the “expensive” brand the frugal choice!
- People take fish oil for all sorts of ailments. I take it for mental clarity (read: energy!) and healthy teeth and gums. If your gut is #1 for health and wellness, dental health is #2 (though they’re inextricably tied, of course!)
On a scale of 1-10, 1 being ready to take on the world at 5 am, and 10 being able to nap on hot asphalt, how would you rate your energy level?

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More Energy for Mom! 5 Natural Supplements I Take Every Day! (You are here!)