New Star Wars emojis on Twitter: Show your Star Wars side!
Note: Force Friday has come and gone, but you know we’ll be seeing a lot more Star Wars promotions for Episode VII: The Force Awakens as we head into the holiday season! Pin the Star Wars Twitter Emojis image below to show your Star Wars side!
You know Force Friday has something to do with Star Wars and spending a lot of money…but that’s about the extent of it because not many moms were in line at Target at midnight! If you thought the Star Wars merchandising machine was a powerhouse, the force has truly been unleashed thanks to the Star Wars franchise’s new parent Disney! America is now a one party toy system.
Star Wars Emojis on Twitter!
My kids are not fans of the social media phenomenon, but even my little hashtag haters were impressed to see the cool new Star Wars emojis I tested out on Twitter last night!
Be the cool Star Wars mom by tweeting any of these Star Wars hashtags!
They’re live now for Force Friday, and we can expect more emoji fun as we get closer to the December opening of Star Wars: Episode VII—The Force Awakens!

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Most moms know the basic Star Wars storyline and iconic characters. I have to admit I’ve been treading water with my awesome mom Star Wars knowledge base—I barely registered the Star Wars Rebels show (my daughter said she’s going as Sabine for Halloween and I drew a blank) and my kids rolled their eyes when I called a Clone Trooper a Stormtrooper. Here’s a quick cheat sheet on a few new Star Wars characters you’ll be bringing home in the form of toys, Halloween costumes, and toothbrushes in the coming months. You’re welcome.
If you are the personification of Comic Book Guy, I don’t need to know that my details are not perfectly correct in the Star Wars universe. My 11-year-old son says they’re legit so we’re gonna call this good enough.
- Phasma is the female Stormtrooper captain with a cool chrome uniform. Get the Amazon Exclusive Troop Builder 6-Pack that includes Phasma!
- Episode 7—The Force Awakens will be better than Episodes 1-3, but no man over the age of 35 will ever admit that it’s better than Episodes 4-6, even if it is.
- BB-8 is the adorable new droid. Think roly poly R2-D2!
- Kylo Ren is on the The Dark Side. He appears both bare faced and in a creepy mask. He also has a super scary lightsaber that crosses at the bottom like a sword.
- Poe Dameron is in the Resistance (AKA The Light Side). He’s portrayed by actor Oscar Isaac in Ep 7 and he flies an X-Wing Fighter. <— My son wants that new X-Wing!
Amazon has an amazing deal on Star Wars toys right now: Take $10 off a $50 purchase or $25 off a $100 purchase!
Check out the new The Force Awakens All-new action figures & playsets and All-new Vehicles & Playsets on Amazon!
Calling all Disney addicts! Read Disneyland on a Budget Free with Amazon Prime or Kindle Unlimited!